Monday, January 4, 2016

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Our 4-way Skype screen-shot!

Hello everyone! I just had a delight talking with you all this week! It was so fun to see all your faces! The kids look so big! Kyson looks about the same though, just taller I think. You all look great! And congrats on all the babies! Sorry you didn’t fool me. I guess I could have just let you all believe I didn’t know anything! Tia - good job on hiding it! Ha-ha, I’m excited to get to know all of these cute little girls! I hope you all had a great Christmas and enjoyed remembering the Savior.

This week I studied about humility. Something I liked from this was the opuesto of humility is pride and when we aren’t humble it means that we put more trust in ourselves than in God. He has really given us everything and thanks to him we can have happiness. Humility isn’t just for the people that are really cocky and know it all’s, but it’s for everyone. When we think we are really humble we’ve still got a long way to go! I really liked studying about that this week. I know that everything that I have done here is thanks to Heavenly Father. And I know that I wasn’t sent here to help them, but I was mostly sent here for them to help me. I love these people and I have learned so much of how to be humble by their examples to me. 

So Saturday I got to go back to Garcia Gineres to go to Raul’s baptism and it was SO GOOD. He accidently showed up at 7 in the morning because he got the time of day mixed up, ha-ha, but he was excited to get going a good 12 hours later and get in the water. After he was baptized he did this little dance in the water with his arms, it was pretty cute! Ha-ha, I just love this guy so much! He is a funny one. Thanks for chatting with me on Christmas. I LOVED seeing all of your faces and I forgot to remind you all about the 7 weeks of change. If you’re not doing it, well just repent now and start! Love you all so much!  Have a happy new year! 

Con Mucho amor,
Hermana Velasquez

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